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Introduction to myWAY Employability

teaching practice

For student year

Years 7 to 12

Helps students to

  • explore a range of careers
  • use myWAY Employability

Helps teachers to

  • use myWAY Employability
  • cater for diverse learners


myWAY Employability is a smart web application that helps young people plan and prepare for their working life. myWAY Employability guides young people though a series of questions to help them identify their strengths, interests, learning and environmental preferences, and then matches this information to potentially relevant careers and employment pathways. myWAY Employability provides scaffolded goal setting, to break goals into smaller action lists to track progress. It also contains a variety of information articles co-produced with the autistic community, covering topics such as Preparing for Work Experience; Getting Around; Creating a Job Application; Pathways to University, TAFE, or College; and Disclosure in the Workplace.

The purpose of this practice is to:

  • Introduce students to the myWAY Employability website.
  • Support students to login to the myWAY Employability website
  • Engage students in thinking about post-school options.

This practice meets the needs of diverse learners. Some students will benefit from  a peer mentor to engage in career-related self-awareness tasks and/or navigate the website independently.  

This practice aligns with the General Capabilities of the Australian curriculum as described on the website of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority

This practice also aligns with the National Curriculum Work Studies as described on the website of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority

Preparing to teach

What is myWAY Employability?

myWAY Employability (myWAY for short) is designed for and with the autistic community, to help people (from 14 years old) plan and prepare for working life.

We call our users career explorers, because we recognise that finding a career path is a journey. Using myWAY, career explorers will be guided through a series of questions to help them identify their strengths, interests, learning and sensory preferences. This information is then matched to potentially relevant careers and employment pathways.

We also provide scaffolded goal setting to support active progress towards a successful career.

myWAY offers team collaboration for all types of supporting users, including service providers, employers, and teachers.

How can I best support someone using myWAY?

Getting familiar with myWAY is a great start. Here are our five evidence-based principles to support transition planning:

  • Encouragement to dream big: have high expectations and always be strengths-based.
  • Start transition planning early: in Year 9 or as soon as possible after that.
  • Promote youth-centred planning: the career explorer should be an active participant, and work towards leading their own transition.
  • Focus on the ‘big picture’: promote understanding of what life after school will be like through real life experiences, e.g., work experience, mentoring or volunteering.
  • Have a champion on the team: a champion is someone who is passionate and enthusiastic, and provides new opportunities and information to support transition planning.

Before you begin

  • Create a myWAY Employability account for yourself.
  • Become familiar with myWAY Employability
    • Some of the features that you may like to explore include
      • the option for a student to view the site in grayscale - this is available at the bottom of the landing page
      • the Help section - this provides further information about the platform and how it can be used
    • We also recommend you read the article How to use myWAY as part of a team
  • Ensure you plan time for students to set up their logins and passwords.

In the classroom

Getting started

There is a wide range of resources to support students use myWAY Employability.

The Getting Started guide available in the Help section provides information about: 

  • User types  - career explorers and supported
  • Creating a team, and 
  • Setting goals

My Dashboard

My Dashboard is where students will build their profiles, set goals and create their team of supporters

The About Me section includes 5 areas that support students to learn more about themselves and their interests.

  1. Career Exploration: Discover career areas and potential job choices
  2. My Strengths: Find strengths
  3. Sensory Preferences: Define preferred work environment
  4. Post-school Pathways: Explore learning preferences and options after leaving school
  5. Life Skills: Select some skills to highlight or work on

The MY Goals section supports students to set their goals. Students can use a template or set their own goal. The templates provide guidance to help them set their goal.

When the goal is entered students can then enter the actions they will need to take to achieve the goal. They can also share their goal with their team members. 

Tips for creating student logins and passwords

Setting up the login.

Whether the student uses their personal email address or their school address they will need to establish a password. This is a good opportunity o remind students about creating a password they will remember and one that is unique.

Guidelines for setting up password.

Many sites have guidelines for setting up password which include the use of lower and upper case, symbols and numbers. The passwords for myWAY Employability must be at least 8 characters, contain 3 different character types (lowercase, uppercase, number, etc), and must not contain 3 consecutive identical characters.

Suggested ideas to support students creating password.

Some students may find it difficult to remember their password. To assist students to set up passwords that meet the myWAY Employability requirements, you may like to use the following approach. 

  • Establish a formula for passwords for example – initials + street name or pets name + year of birth
  • Use initials for First name and Surname
  • Street name or pet’s name.  Ask students to choose something that is meaningful to them.
  • Use last 2 digits for year of birth
  • For example, Student Naomi Smith who lives in Leopold Street and was born in 2005 may choose to use the following combination NSleopold05
    • Initials + Street name + Year of birth
    • She can then record this in her notebook as Initials, street, year of birth

Practice toolkit

Practice implementation planner template

We know it's not always easy to keep track of what's working and what isn't. So, we've created this template for you to record and reflect on what you're doing to create more inclusive classrooms. The implementation planner contains:

  • guidance around goal setting
  • a reflection section (what worked, didn’t work, what to change, and next steps)
  • prompting questions.

Implementation planner with examples

Set your professional learning goal for:

Introduction to myWAY Employability
You can set and save your goal for inclusive practices using inclusionED. Saved goals will appear in your profile. Here you can access, refine and review your goal easily.

Benefits of goal setting

Setting, working towards, and reflecting on goals helps you grow professionally and improve your practice. You can access AITSL learning resources for teachers to learn more about:
How to set goals
The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership recommends using the SMART matrix to frame your goal setting.

SMART goals refers to goals that are:
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-phased
Read more about Improving teaching practices.


Teacher notes: Making adjustments for students with diverse abilities

Related Practices

This practice is from the core research project
